Sweeps Winner

A Concrete Rose - PA

Creating A Concrete Rose Bookbar Co. with my wife was a labor of love born out of the struggle we faced as artists in Lancaster, PA. The current economic challenges have tested us, currently running the business alone without staff, and operating just one day a week. It's been a shift from our original plan, but we're adapting as best as we can, even opening earlier than intended to keep our license and navigating funding gaps. We constantly met with challenges and there are days when defeat tries to sneak in but we lean on each other to push through.

This journey has demanded perseverance, creativity, and unwavering passion. Our bookbar isn't just a business; it's a lifeline for the community. Placing ourselves strategically by 7 schools and a college within a 1 mile radius was intentional. We wanted to give back and create a hub for education and creativity. From literacy programs to advocating for local artists, we're committed to providing a safe, inclusive space for everyone.

Despite the challenges, we press on because we see the positive impact we're making. Our events like Breakfast with Santa, Prom Attire Drives, hosting elderly workshops and being a focal point for camps in the summer are just a couple of ways we're creatively empowering our community. By offering books, food from the African Diaspora, and a space for expression, we're fostering connections and celebrating authenticity. It's not just about business; it's about creating a place where people from all walks of life can truly be themselves. When we aren’t in A Concrete Rose Bookbar Co. we are in the community pouring our talent and knowledge back into them because they are the reason our doors are open.

Ever since we began this journey, we've kept things real and open. We believe in sharing both the highs and lows to inspire others on their own paths. There have been moments when we weren't sure if we could keep our doors open, but we stayed honest and vulnerable with our community. Their support during those tough times showed us that they've got our backs, and that's something we can't take for granted. So, here we are, in the midst of writing this grant, fighting once again to ensure we can keep our doors open for those who believe in us.

Through A Concrete Rose Bookbar Co., we're not just selling products; we're building a community, bridging gaps, and making a lasting impact. This journey is bigger than us. It’s about uplifting others and creating a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and empowered.
A Concrete Rose